A $2.00 service charge increase for all residential and general service accounts will take effect Jan. 1, 2025. This amount will be reflected in the monthly service charge, which is included in the ‘Distribution’ line on your monthly bill. There is no change to the rate you pay per kilowatt-hour.
Members will notice this on the bill generated in February (for January energy consumption).This is co-op's the first adjustment to its rates since January of 2023.
In recent years, we've seen the costs of goods rising sharply across the board. The poles, wires, meters, and other equipment needed to deliver power to your home is no exception.
In the time between the last rate adjustment, the cost of a 25 kVA pole-mounted transformer has risen from $1,517 to $1,958 (a 29 percent increase). In 2021, your co-op purchased a bucket truck for $270,000. The latest bucket truck purchase, scheduled for delivery in 2025 will cost $365,000 (a 35 percent increase)!
Your cooperative puts careful consideration into setting rates. We commission independent "cost of service" studies, review rate forecasts, and consider key ratios that impact the financial health of the co-op. Cooperative staff and trustees meet as part of a "Rate Committee" to review these factors, and recommend adjustments to the current rate.
We take a mindful approach to strike the right balance of keeping costs affordable for members and ensuring the long-term stability of your electric service.
The upcoming rate adjustment allows us to make investments in our distribution system to continue to deliver excellent service. This includes unmatched reliability (99.99% power availability), exceptional service, and trusted community partnerships, for years to come.
If you have any questions regarding the cooperative or rates, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
As a reminder, we’re local, available and here to help you hold down energy costs. For the latest info on rates, bill explanations, and energy efficiency tips, give us a call.