Children of members recognized for academic excellence, community involvement, and personal achievement.
Mid-Ohio Energy is pleased to recognize eight local students as winners of Mid-Ohio Energy Cooperative’s annual scholarship program.
The annual scholarship program awarded a total of $11,000 to students whose parents and/or guardians are members of the co-op. Winners were selected based upon scholastic and community activities, academic achievements, courseload, and in-person interviews.
Madeline McFarland of River Valley was announced as the overall winner of the “Children of Members” scholarship competition, earning a $2,000 scholarship.
As the top local winner, McFarland will compete for additional scholarship money in the statewide competition, which features students representing 24 electric cooperatives in Ohio.
Mid-Ohio Energy expresses sincere gratitude to each student who applied for the scholarships. The cooperative received many qualified applicants, which speaks highly of our local students and schools.
We wish them all the best of luck, and can't wait to see the results of their academic pursuits as they graduate and go on to make up our future workforce.
We also thank scholarship judges Lyn Davis of Kenton and Demi Snider of Kenton for their time and dedication in judging the competition.
Kenzley Davis of Pleasant High School was chosen as the winner of a special $1,000 Touchstone Energy Achievement scholarship. The scholarship is awarded to those pursuing a college education while displaying the values of integrity, accountability, innovation, and community.